Should I allow ToyStory, Monsters Inc & Harry Potter into My Classroom?


It seems that the creative think tanks in the US are finally acknowledging that if you allow young people to try something out for free they just might, might pick it up and run with it!

And so it is.  Pixar, the animation company that created Buzz Light Year and strange one eyed Monsters are releasing the 3D Imaging Software ‘RenderMan’ for free.  This software has been around for a while, but it seems that no-one outside of Disney or Pixar were able to access the talent pool from within.

Now, it seems everyone can have a go (non-commercial use only). So then, I find myself in an educational dilemma, should I contemplate writing new curriculum for students to study the basics of this revolutionary product? Or should I let it resign itself to the history books?  I don’t think so!

How cool would it be to see students grow in knowledge and skill that could potentially see them into a world of 3D animation?  I like the sound of that alot!

On another level though, it would allow aspiring designers to focus their skills by using the free software, which would make them more employable.  Something that this closed industry could well benefit from.

I wonder then, could this announcement be a spike in the side of the great Google engine?  I wonder if they will make a move.

I’d love to hear your thoughts and opinions…